Help The BEES



1. Plant a diverse range of flowering plants, especially native species, to provide a reliable source of nectar and pollen for bees.

2. Avoid using pesticides and choose organic methods to control pests.

3. Provide a source of water for bees, such as a shallow dish with pebbles for them to land on.

4. Avoid mowing your lawn too often and let some areas grow wild to provide nesting sites.

5. Consider keeping a bee hive or supporting local beekeepers.

6. Support local and national conservation efforts to protect wild bee populations and their habitats.

7. Choose to buy honey from local and sustainable sources.

8. Educate others about the importance of bees and their role in the ecosystem.

9. Reduce your carbon footprint by using environmentally-friendly products and practices.

10. Create or participate in community initiatives to increase green spaces and provide habitats for bees.